Anna Wintour

Who is she and why you need to know her?
Výsledok vyhľadávania obrázkov pre dopyt anna wintour history
Profile picture of Anna in the fashion event (source)

Anna Wintour is "THE" person in the fashion industry, currtly working es chef editor of Vogue magazine in US and the artistic director of Condé Nast, she is widely regarded as the most influential figure in fashion and you wish to know her.
The British-born editor has described her new role as artistic director as “an extension of what I am doing now, but with a broader scope.” The New York Times described it as an “in-house consultant for troubled or dated magazines,” the advice of which “can be sought, or delivered.” (source)

If you watched really popular movie Devil wears Prada it was inspired by her life starring Meryl Streep in main role as her character. Personally I love this movie and if you didn't  watched it yet I highly recommend it to you. 
Anna Wintour wearing sunglasses as she walks along a street in Germany
Picture of Anna on the street (source)
Every famous person has some secret that we as followers want to know. For example 21 things you didn't know about Anna Wintour, is amazing article to get her know. I really like the first one about hair iconic hairstyle - bob which she has since she was 14 years old.


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